Monday 12 July 2010

Venns diagram for 3 types of Newspapers.

In my Venns diagram i have written about 3 different newspapers, these are: Tabloid, Broadsheet and Local. This is because i can identify what are the similarities and differences between them are as its easier to understand. I can also see what types of things i can include in my Local newspaper that are also used in broadsheet and Tabloid newspapers.

There are some differences in the 3 newspapers that are shown in the diagram, for example, Broadsheets are written in a more formal way and mostly talk about International politics, Tabloids are mostly about celebrities and the main headlines of the news on television. Finally, Local newspapers only talk about local news in that local area, and include local advertisements.

On the other hand, some of the similarities are: All of the newspapers will include sport, advertisments and news.

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