Wednesday 14 July 2010

My Questionnaire

I have chosen to do a questionnaire for my research, this will be answered by random people around the school. I have chosen this location to do my questionnaire as it is the local area and it is where my newspapers may be read. I can also find out what they think about the local newspapers in their area, to identify what they like and dislike about them.

Questionnaire about local newspapers

Circle your chosen answers, you can choose more than one answer if you wish to do so.

1. What age range would you expect to read a local newspaper?
- 5-10
- 11-18
- 19-45
- 46 +

2. What sections would you find in a local newspaper?
- Sport
- Leisure
- Letters page
- Puzzles
- Celebrities
- Local News
Other Please State ______________________________________

3, What colours would be included in a local newspaper?
- Black
- White
- Blue
- Red
- Green
Other Please State. ___________________________

4. Do you read newspapers?
- Yes
- No

5. If you answered yes to question 4, what newspaper do you read?


6. If you answered no to question 4, what is your reason?


7. What name do you prefer for a Local Newspaper?
- The Yeldham Moon
- The Hedingham Angel
- The Daily Moon
- The Blossom Gazette
Other (Please state) _______________________

8. What type of sports would you find in the sport section?
- Football
- Cricket
- Rugby
- Hockey
- Types of racing
Other Please State ____________________

9. If you have ever read a Local Newspaper, what do you like about them?


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