Thursday 15 July 2010

My Results

My first questionnaire for the local newspaper was answered by students in the sixth form at my school, who are aged between 16 and 17.
I found that nearly all of them expected people around the ages of 46-90 to read local newspapers. This may be because older people may have lived in a certain place for a long time and want to know whats happening in their area, whereas, younger people arent really interested in that, they are more interested in the world of celebrities.

I found that 6/12 students read newspapers, the two most popular are the Suffolk Press and The Sun. This may be due to students enjoying the gossip about celebrities, or being interested in how their local football team played at the weekend.
Other newspapers that were read by students were: Sudbury Mercury, The Indepepndant, East Anglian, The Daily Mail, The Mirror, Mail On Sunday and The Haverhill Echo.

On the other hand, 6/12 students said they dont read local newspapers. Some reasons given for this are: boring, time consuming, too much writing, nothing they find in them are interesting and they arent very exciting.

Finally, the most popular name that was chosen for a local newspaper by the students was The Yeldham Moon.
This may be due to Great Yeldham being the local area and thats what caught their eye, or they just liked the name.

  • For my second Questionnaire, I am going to give this out to an older age range to see what they answer about local newspapers and then compare the two results to identify what are the similarities and differences.

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