Monday 21 June 2010

Newspapers on powerpoint

In today's lesson, i went to the library to get some local and popular newspapers. From this, i scanned all four of the front of the newspapers to my email address, which i then transferred 1 of the newspapers on to power point. This enables me to annotate the front page and pick out points which will be good to use in my work.
There are 4 local newspapers, two of the Halstead gazette and two of the Suffolk Free Press. When you look at them, you can tell that they aren't going to be as popular as newspapers such as The Sun, due to The Sun having bigger stories from around the world on the front page and about celebrities, whereas, the local newspapers only have news from around that area.
I am now starting to annotate the local newspaper, to show what they use and how they use things effectively, such as the font and the colours.

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