Wednesday 16 June 2010

First Steps

In my first Media lesson, I has to choose what brief I wanted to do, I came down with two ideas which were a teaser trailer or a newspaper. I compared both of the briefs and looked up different teaser trailers and newspaper websites, from this I chose to do the first two pages of a newspaper article, with two other options which are a poster for the newspaper, and two hyperlinked pages from the papers website. The reasons why I picked this option is because, I have access to computers and printers within the school but also at home, which is an advantage because i have extra time to complete this brief. Whereas, if i had chosen the teaser trailer, it may have been difficult as i have never used dreamweaver before, and i may get a limited time time using the Macs due to the year 12 have first priority, but also, i dont have access to a mac at home, so i cant do extra work out of school.

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