Thursday 17 June 2010

Local Newspapers

After I had researched the layouts of some popular newpapers, I then researched what local newpaper websites were like. Two of the websites I looked at were the The halstead gazette and The Haverhill Echo. When looking at the information in the Halstead Gazette, I seen that it included what people had achieved and what is going on around Halstead town. It also had a little box about the weather which gave me an idea of doing something like that on my second page. On the other hand, when I looked on the Haverhill Echo, and on the website, it didnt have top stories or news, it had different Sub-headings with different hyperlinks that were related to this sub-heading. For example, under the Sport sub-heading, it had hyperlinks to scores of what Haverhill got in different football games.

From these local newspapers, I got some ideas of what I could include in my two newspaper articles, for example, I might use the idea of the little box with the weather, but change the weather to a puzzle, or something like that.

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