Monday 24 January 2011

What I have done so far.

Up to this point i have completed one of the ancillary tasks, which is the newspaper poster. I have also completed the main task which is to complete two pages of a newspaper article.
Within these two tasks, I have been doing research into newspapers which include a Venn diagram, research into the conventions of a newspaper etc. From the research, I have designed and produced my own ideas for the tasks.

The final thing i have to do is the second ancillary task of making a website with two hyperlink pages. I have already started this task but due to having trouble getting Piczo at school (which is the website i am using to make my own website)I am having to do it all at home. However, this isn't a problem because I am able to still use blogger to find all my ideas about what I am putting in my website, but also how I am going to lay it out.
At this moment in time, on my website, i have created the basic things such as the two hyper links, the type of font and font size i am going to use and also where pictures and text are going. The things I am having to do now is put the information in the website such as stories and other little bits such as advertisements.
The only thing i am struggling with at the moment, is uploading the pictures i am needing. However, this should soon be overcome because i am going to talk with the technicians about how to fix the problem.

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