Monday 6 December 2010


I have been having trouble doing my website, due to the internet blocking piczo, but also, because I havent had the internet at home. Thefore I have started 2 pages of a newspaper so that i am doing something, and keep having to wait for piczo to work. Over the past week, I have been working on the front page, and I have just finished it.
Because I had researched newspapers earlier in the year, I was able to look through what i had done, plan the front cover and then actually do it.
This researched included:

- Questionnaires
- Annotations of newspapers
- Comparing Local newspapers
- Conventions of local newspapers
- Venns diagram

From all this researched I was able to include different adverts and where to out them, what colours to use from my questionnaire that I made, what layout to use, and what the front headline should be about.

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