Monday 20 September 2010

Research into Newspaper Posters

I have been looking around on google to find some images on what newspaper posters look like. I have found one that I am going to use as a template for my newspaper poster.
This poster is a great example for a local poster as it has an advantage of being very simple which makes it stand so people who walk past will see the poster, and if they are interested in reading about a local event they will want to read more.

Questionnaire follow on..

following on from my first questionnaire with students, i have done the same questionnaire but to adults. i have chosen adults to answer my questionnaire this time because i might give me another variety of answers, and this means i can also compare the two questionnaires.

I found that nearly all of the people that answered my questionnaire expected 19-45 year olds to read newspapers, but also most of their second choice was 46-90 year olds.

10/12 adults said that they read local newspapers. The two most popular are The Sun and The Halstead Gazette. This may be due to The Sun being less detailed and less time consuming, and The Halstead Gazette being easier to read, but also its local, so they will be interested to read about whats been happening in their local area.

On the other hand, 2/12 said they didn't read newspapers, and the reasons for this are: They are boring and too depressing to read.

Finally, the most popular name for a local newspaper in the adult questionnaire is 'The Hedingham Angel'
Due to 'Hedingham Angel' having more popularity than the 'Yeldham Moon' form the other questionnaire, it is my final choice of the name for my local newspaper.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Starting the poster.

In todays lesson, I have looked into different farm shop pictures and used them for my poster. this is so that when the local community see the poster, they can recognise who the story is about. I then picked out parts from the draft of my main story, to have a local heading for my poster. Hopefully the heading that I have chosen will interest the people who pass by as it quite catchy and people may want to know more about the story, so they buy the newspaper.
However, I am still working on my newspaper poster, as i need to use the graphs i have for the quesitonnaires to identify which name i use for my local newspaper.